โ Entity Relationship modelling (ERD)
A type of diagram that lets you see how different entities (e.g. people, customers, or other objects) relate to each other in an application or a database.
It's used to represent data in a given scenario.
Entity relationship models have 3 components:
ExplanationAn entity is something in the real world that can be represented in the system. These could be: books
, people
, a bag
Each entity is represented by a rectangular box with its name written inside it.
The information held on an entity is a set of characteristics that define the entity. These are known as attributes
The relationship
between the entity, attributes and other entities are the relationships
Degree of the relationship#
1:1One to One This is when something is directly linking to something else.
1:MOne to Many
When something is linking to multiple other things
M:MMany to Many
This is where any things link with many things